

Through this survey, we explored the digital literacy in 4 the
participating countries in order to create educational material
based on their current knowledge and skills. In total, we received
1000 responses from the 4 participating countries (Greece,
Cyprus, Finland and North Macedonia).

Module 1. Digital Presence

This module will provide learners insights into how to create a digital presence for yourself as an entrepreneur and for your business in different online environments, such as creating your own CV online using the Europass website, creating a LinkedIn profile for yourself and your business and how to create connections and find employment online, as well as how to create an e-shop for your business and an attractive business website.

Moreover, this module offers practical information and tips on how to make your CV and online profiles more attractive and how to create a website that is appropriate for your business purposes, using simple online platforms.

Module 2. Digital Marketing

This module will provide participants with knowledge about logos, brochures and the benefits of applying social media marketing to their day-to-day operations.

This module will also provide students with the knowledge and skills to realize a business idea on their own and to deal with existing competition more quickly and efficiently, through the independent creation of logos, brochures and social media profiles.

Through this module, participants will gain practical knowledge about the importance of creating a logo according to the requirements of their target group, creating brochures for more effective communication with them and of course using social media marketing in their daily work.

Module 3. Consumer rights 

This module will provide learners with tools to obtain accurate, unbiased information about the products and services they purchase. This enables them to make the best choices based on their interests and prevents them from being mistreated or misled by businesses.

Finally, resources are given to the learners to have access to effective redress mechanisms. Through this module, learners will gain awareness of the importance of concepts such as contracts, consumer rights, pricing, shipping and delivery.

Best Practices